Asiaway was awarded the vice president unit of the Die Casting Branch Council of China Casting Association

Detailed introduction

On May 17, 2024, the 9th Council of the Die Casting Branch of the China Foundry Association was held in a grand manner, and Ningbo Asiaway Automotive Components Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ningbo Asiaway") was invited to participate.

The council brought together many elite enterprises in the domestic foundry industry to discuss the development trend, technological innovation, and market demand of the die casting industry. At the meeting, Ningbo Asiaway was honored to be selected as a Vice President Unit.

As the new vice president unit, Ningbo Asiaway will fully leverage its own advantages, actively fulfill its duties as a vice president, and contribute more wisdom and strength to the development of the industry. Asiaway will strengthen communication and cooperation with the member units of the Council, jointly promote innovation and development in the die-casting industry, and make positive contributions to achieving industrial transformation, upgrading, and high-quality development.

Asiaway Group

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